Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Field Day Tomorrow

Yes, it is Field Day tomorrow so once again pack that sunscreen and wear comfortable clothes and have tennis shoes. No flip flops!!!! Today was a great day at Pompey's Pillar. We had 4 different awesome stations. They were on: geology, sign language, the pillar, and in the interpretive center. Our tour guides were full of wonderful information. Have a great talk with your child tonight about the trip and have them share 2 things from each station which means a total of 8. If they can do this, write Pompey's Pillar in the planner. Also, make sure you ask them who we met from Virginia on our walk up to the pillar. How cool is that!!!!! I will post a Smilebox of pictures sometime for tomorrow's post. Once again I am so proud of these kids. They showed positive character & respect today to everyone we came in contact with. Have a great night.

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