Sunday, February 10, 2013

Busy-Short Week

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. This is going to be a short, but busy week. First of all, I went to school yesterday and on my desk was a note from Mrs. Gleason saying the kids were excellent on Friday. Way to go Team Hankins and I had no doubt that the day would go well. As I was checking work from Friday, there are some missing assignments so I am hoping that if you are one of these that I am referring to that you have worked on it this weekend and are ready to turn it in tomorrow. Our Valentine's Day Party is on Wednesday, February 13th from about 10:15-11:40 so remember to bring whatever you are bringing for the particular committee you are on. Those on the decorating committee need to be here at about 7:50. Remember that this is an early out day (12:00 dismissal) and then No School on Thursday & Friday, and the following Monday. Enjoy the break and do some fun things. No spelling words this week. In reading, we will finish section 2 of Lead 21 tomorrow and then share our biographies on Tuesday so hopefully you are finishing those up this weekend. I can't wait to see all the amazing things learned about these famous people. Language & Math will consist of valentine related activities that correlate to concepts we are doing right now in those subject areas. In Montana History, we will keep moving along the Lewis & Clark Expedition. The Read-A-Thon envelopes with donations collected are due Tuesday at the latest. Free money will be given to those that get theres here tomorrow so hopefully you collected those donations. Winners of the contest will be announced next week. Our class alone read over 16,000 minutes. That is fabulous!! I know Syd shared her Student of the Week stuff on Friday. I am bummed I missed it, but I am sure it was AWESOME!! In the planner, write 2 things you learned about her for free money. This way when I check tomorrow, I will see what I missed. Have a great rest of the weekend. Here is a note from Rusty at School Tools TV. Dear Parents: My name is Rusty May and your child watches my SchoolToolsTv videos everyday with their classmates at school. I'm now doing 3 weekly videos for parents to watch with their children at home. The Parenting Page videos mirror the videos your child is watching that week at school so you know exactly what we're talking about and have an opportunity to build on our discussion within the context of your family values. The 3 shows focus on: - EQ, or Emotional Quotient, which helps build your child's emotional intelligence. - Bully Byte which talks about all aspects of bullying and how to prevent it. - Life Lesson which is a common sense tool they can use to help them achieve their goals and dreams. You can see the free shows starting Monday of each week at If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me at Thanks and have a fantastic day.

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