Friday, February 10, 2012

Edible Science

Edible Science-Gotta Love it!
Today in Science with both 4th grades we continued our study of plate tectonics and the boundaries.
Using graham crackers and frosting, students were able to see all 3 kinds in action. Then the best part of all, we got to EAT IT!!
If they can tell you how volcanoes are created and what kind of boundary it is, write volcano in the planner.

Celebration: Today we played Gauntlet Dodge Ball for our celebration fun. They got a good work out and I got to see them in a different environment. They definitely are an active, competitive bunch. But, the good thing is-I did see and hear some good sportsmanship, but next time we will even work harder on that. We ended it with getting a nice cold Pepsi! We are now working toward our next celebration of 100 points.
Reminder: Valentine Monster Bags are due on Monday for sharing.
Also READ-A-THON Reading envelopes are due for the last time on Monday. Tonight (Friday) is the last night. We are now at
12,220 minutes. Let's finish strong Team Hankins.
In Math, we had a practice test over some review and some new concepts. I am so proud of the kids as they did awesome.
We had our group counseling session today with Mrs. Micheletti. She is taking over for Mrs. Salazar now that she is at home being MOM. Mrs. Micheletti is wonderful and we are looking forward to getting to know her and work with her.
Remember recorders for Monday.
Also, just a reminder for the food and decorations committees for our Valentine's Party to remember your food and decorations for Tuesday.
Have a great weekend and stay warm.

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