Wednesday, January 18, 2012


WOW-it is cold out there!! Ok-so who are those people that wished for snow???!!!! What are you thinking now?? Ms. Erickson, remember when I told you "watch what you wish for" when we made our snowmen last week. Anyway, this leads me to our nightly writing for tonight. Students are to decide if they "like" snow or "do not like" snow. That will be their topic sentence for their persuasive paragraph and then they are to give 3 details to support it along with a proof (evidence) statement to explain the detail. Don't forget the conclusion at the end. For tonight, they are just to complete the graphic organizer, then tomorrow we will talk about what to do next.
Today, we continued with our Metric Olympics. Students had to do a standing long jump and measure in centimeters and then we measured liquid using a graduated cylinder and milliliters. This activity was called the sponge squeeze. Ask your child what was their favorite so far and write it in the planner.
Tomorrow is PE so make sure you pack those shoes.
Report cards are coming home tomorrow.
Remember that states and capitals test on the SW is either going to be tomorrow or Friday. We will squeeze it in.
Have a great night and stay warm.

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