Thursday, August 25, 2011

Top 10 Things About Ourselves

We had another GREAT day today. In Math, we had lots of fun playing with numbers after reading the book "Missing Math-A Number Mystery". All the numbers disappeared and everyone was lost without them as we found out the many places numbers are used in our lives. If your child can tell you one way, write it in their planner for free money at check in.
Next, we read another great book about self-esteem/character called "Agate". This is a lead in book to our project called: The Top 10 Things About _______. We are starting the writing for that tomorrow along with the Art work. If your child can tell you who Agate was, write it in the planner for more free money at check in.
Great job to all of you who read through and signed all the office papers last night. I know there were a lot-those of you that didn't, please do so tonight. Thank you.
In your child's take home folder is my newsletter. Please read it carefully and also fill out the email part please and return it tomorrow with your child for free money. Thank you.
A few of the students lost some of their money today as they were being disruptive and talking out of turn. Please discuss with your child the appropriate school behaviors as we are trying to create a learning environment for everyone. Thank you.
Have a great night.
Mrs. Hankins

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