Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today we took our first NWEA test and it was in Reading. WOW-did the kids do fantastic or what!! We have talked a lot these past couple days about how these are built for just them and it will show their own personal growth and how well their teachers taught them this year. Well, they sure took all this very seriously because we had awesome growth. We had growth of 10, 20, & 25 points. That is incredible because in Reading we expect and hope for about 7 points growth. I can't wait for next week's Language & Math tests as I am sure the results will be just as positive.
Mrs. Betts & I are so proud of each and every one of them and I know you are too.
We took our Chapter 9 Math test today on Fractions so now we are moving on to Measurement.
This Friday is spirit day and it is Support Our Troops Day so wear camo, or red, white, and blue. Free money to those that dress up and show support.
Have your child tell one fun, positive thing about today and write it in their planner for free money at check in.
Have a great night.

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