Thursday, November 11, 2010

White House Secret Service Guest Speaker

We were very fortunate to have Mr. Howard who worked for the White House Secret Service during President Clinton's term. Very interesting information presented and some fun stories. But he couldn't give any information away that is for sure. Also, he brought with him a model of the White House and a piece of the building he got during renovation.

Great job to all the students on their Chapter 2 math test. We are now on to the Multiplication chapter. Please please see to it that your child practices his/her math facts. Get some flash cards if you don't already have some. They can be easily made or purchased at the dollar store.
Reminder that Monday is the test over the NE states & capitals.

Remember tomorrow is movie night. Toy Story 3 is being shown. Come and you will earn $500 of free money.
Also, Saturday, November 13th is Skate Night. Earn $ 500 for coming. Have fun and be safe.

Speaking of free money, your child can earn $50 extra dollars if you together can find out which president never lived in the White House. Put the name in their planner and they will earn extra money. I will be doing this daily now as a reward to those of you that stay in touch and communicate with me. Communication is so vitally important.

Have a great night.

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