Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First day of testing tomorrow (Wednesday).
We Oovooed into Rusty this morning and he gave us some really great testing tips such as: get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast (protein & carbs), bring chewing gum to help us relax, and most importantly bring a POSITIVE attitude that will help us do our best.

Still collecting Saturday Live candy. Remember $200/bag. Thank you to all who have already donated.

Gold Card Sales continue until Tuesday, September 21st. If you need more, just list the names on the pre-sale sheet and we will get more cards to you after the 21st.

Honor Choir Tryouts are September 15th at 3:10. Must have purple permission slip signed to try out.

Raegan is our new student of the week. Can't wait for lots of pictures to share and other good stuff.

STAR testing is done and students have AR levels. They are working hard on this to reach some point goals that earn them some things here in the classroom.
Make sure your child is reading on a nightly basis.

We had a great day today and transitions went much smoother today. We are all getting into a routine.

Have a great night and hopefully get outside before the rain comes.

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