Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Whew!!!  HOT HOT!!
Wow who would have thought we would be so hot on September 28th???
Regardless of the heat, we made it through and had another great day.  We are making great progress with self-control, transitions, and organization.  Way to go Hankins' team!

Just a reminder that school pictures are on Monday, October 4th.  You can order on line or use the envelopes that were provided.

Again if any questions on mid-terms, please let me know.
Keep reading nightly and be sure to return calendars for September on Friday.
Also, I am enjoying the nightly writing prompts.  We are working on students looking at the feedback I give them daily to help correct errors for further writings.

Have a great night and stay cool.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Due to testing today, no new spelling list came home.  We will be doing that tomorrow.  However, the words are here on the blog.

Great day today making hurricane origami and finishing our hurricane book.
Just a reminder to be keeping track of your nightly reading on the calendar which will be due on Friday.

Mid-terms went home.  Please take a good look at them and let me know if you have any questions.  Read 180 students you will not have Reading, Spelling, or Language grades on yours.  Also, no Specialists grades at this time.

Have a great night and get out and enjoy the weather.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Congratulations to Jarret, our Student of the Week.  We so enjoyed seeing all the fun things you brought in and learning more about you.  You are an AWESOME kid and we are so lucky to have you in our class.

Monday is our last day of testing.  We are taking the Language test.  Please make sure you get a good night's sleep and have a healthy, nutritious breakfast.

Saturday Live-have fun.  I won't be there as I am going to be in Bozeman cheering on the Bobcats.

Monday, October 4th is picture day.  Envelopes went home on Thursday.  You can return them to school anytime before or on the 4th with your choices.

Hurricane Fun-we made shaving/cream & origami hurricanes today.  We will now turn it into a writing project too.  Extra credit to any students that give a report or tell about a hurricane happening now out in the Atlantic.

Our chain reaction here at school is going very well.  Lots of acts of kindness are happening.
Remember to keep reading 30 min./night and get the calendars signed and brought back on Friday, October 1st.  They are part of the reading grade.
Mid-terms will go home on Monday, September 27th.  As always if you have any questions, please contact me.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the nice weather.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I hope you are enjoying your afternoon. 
Don't forget tomorrow is Library Day.  Bring your books and that permission slip from Ms. Weiss.
See you tomorrow.
Get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

National Pirate Day!!
What a fun day we had dressing up, talking, and singing like pirates.

Thanks to all of you for turning in your gold card packets.  Also, thank you for donating candy for the Saturday Live Candy Shack.
Tomorrow, Thursday is an Early Out Day with 12:00 dismissal. 
Also, if you are interested in ordering a Rachel's Challenge T-Shirt, the website is listed under my websites here on the Blog page.
Remember to be reading those 30 min./night and marking your calendar.  The end of the month is coming soon.
Have a great night.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What a treat-- we had our Rachel's Challenge Assembly and we have made a promise to help start a Chain Reaction to help make our school and world a better place.  We promise to do 5 things as we accept this challenge.  They are:  Choose positive influences, keep a journal, set goals, be kind, and accept and include others.  We are doing acts of kindness and writing them on chain links and will be circling our classroom & the hallways with all our kind deeds.

Also, the Gold Cards are due tomorrow.  Students get $500 for each one sold.  Send any unsold cards back to school.  Also due tomorrow are the book orders.

Thursday is an Early Out day.  Dismissal is at 12:00.
Rounding numbers in math.  Please help your child with this skill if you have the opportunity.  It is difficult and any little bit of practice helps.
Saturday Live is on Saturday at Pioneer Park from 10-3.  Get out there and have some fun.
Have a great night.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Friday-
Congratulations to Raegan, our student of the week. Thank you for sharing lots of great pictures, trophies, medals, and the fun things about yourself.

Rachel's Challenge Assembly is Monday and we are so excited to hear her message and then to carry on her "chain reaction" to make a difference in our school & world.

Gold Cards-please keep selling them and get your packets in to me by Tuesday, September 21st.
Also, any more bags of candy (non-chocolate) that you can donate for Saturday Live is greatly appreciated.
We have 1 more MAP test this week.  It is Language on Friday.  Students worked hard on the Math & Reading ones.

In Math, we are working on Rounding Numbers which is a very difficult concept.  If you would like to help your child with this skill, there are many good games & activities they can access via the Bitterroot Website.

Please note that the PTA meeting time for next week has changed from 6:30-7:00.

We are still working on being respectful of others and knowing when is and isn't a good time to visit with peers like during transition & work time.  We are making good progress, but still giving many reminders.  
Just a reminder that we have those 3 field trips coming up and your child will need money for those as a buy in.  They have so many opportunities to make money in here.
Thank you for checking assignment notebooks.  Keep writing me notes as needed.

Have  a great weekend and let's hope the weather gets better.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a great week we are having. We took our MAP test today in Reading and tomorrow we have Math (my favorite).
In Math, we just started working on the concept of rounding numbers today. The students worked very hard and are doing so well on a very difficult concept.

In Social Studies we have been working hard on map skills finding latitude & longitude. Soon, we will be starting the study of the Northeast Region of the U.S.

In Reading, we are reading a book called: There is a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. This is a great book about bullying, self-confidence, and friendship. We are having a lot of good discussions as we learn new strategies to use in our reading.

Book orders went home and are due back on September 21st. I encourage you to use the on-line option if possible as we get a free book for each book ordered on-line.

Again, please continue to sends bags of candy for Saturday Live (non-chocolate).
Also, keep selling those gold cards. Great prizes for the top sellers.
Have a great rest of the week.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First day of testing tomorrow (Wednesday).
We Oovooed into Rusty this morning and he gave us some really great testing tips such as: get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast (protein & carbs), bring chewing gum to help us relax, and most importantly bring a POSITIVE attitude that will help us do our best.

Still collecting Saturday Live candy. Remember $200/bag. Thank you to all who have already donated.

Gold Card Sales continue until Tuesday, September 21st. If you need more, just list the names on the pre-sale sheet and we will get more cards to you after the 21st.

Honor Choir Tryouts are September 15th at 3:10. Must have purple permission slip signed to try out.

Raegan is our new student of the week. Can't wait for lots of pictures to share and other good stuff.

STAR testing is done and students have AR levels. They are working hard on this to reach some point goals that earn them some things here in the classroom.
Make sure your child is reading on a nightly basis.

We had a great day today and transitions went much smoother today. We are all getting into a routine.

Have a great night and hopefully get outside before the rain comes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just a reminder that Honor Choir Try-outs are Wednesday, September 15 at 3:10 if your child is interested. They should have already brought home a purple slip to have you sign if interested.

Homework-homework: Work hard at school to eliminate the amount of homework you have on a nightly basis. Good work and study habits are crucial in 4th grade.

We have 3 field trips coming up in the next couple months and the students will need at least $3000.

Fundraisers: Please keep selling those Gold Cards. If you need more, please let us know.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Overall, the day with the substitute on Thursday went well as far as behaviors and I am very pleased with that. We did have many students who had not completed their work though and didn't bother to take it home as homework which is why it is called homework. So they had the opportunity to work on it today at 10:00 and again at 12:00.
I am hoping that they take on the responsibility by themselves without constant reminders. I know this takes some time, but they can do it. It is on the assignment board daily so they know. Unfortunately, some of their grades at mid-terms will reflect their off task behaviors and not completing work on time.

Tonight is the Family Fun Night and $500 for any student that goes with their parent. Just put a note in your child's planner for Monday so I know that you attended.

Have a great weekend and hopefully the weather cooperates so you can get out and enjoy some fun fall weather.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sub Tomorrow

HI there-
Just a note to let you know that I will have a substitute tomorrow as I will be at a training. Students know my expectations and I am encouraging them to show good character.

Reminders: Gold Card Sales are going on until September 21st. $300 earned for selling 1-$500 for 2, and $1000 for all 3.

2 bags of candy needed for Saturday Live. Your child earns $200/bag.
Thank you and have a great night.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fundraising Fun

As you may have noticed Fundraising packets from the PTA went home with your child today. They are the Gold Cards. Your child received 3 of them in the packet and are to sell them for $20/card for a total of $60. If your child wants & needs more to sell, please ask and I will see they get them. Check out the "fantastic" prizes-WOW!! I hope everyone will do their part in helping us get another mobile computer lab. Also, they will get $300 for selling 1--$500 for 2 and $1000 for all 3. What an incentive since we have 2 field trips coming up in October and they will cost $1000 each.

I hope to see each of you tonight at the Open House 6-7:30. You will have a chance to hear about how our 4th grade classroom works. Your child will receive $500 for you attending.

Also, your child will earn $100 for writing down the first 13 colonies.

Keep reading 30 min./night and writing in those nightly journals.

Have a great night and get outside and do something active & fun.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!
I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready to get back to work.
Just a reminder that our Open House is tomorrow from 6-7:30. I will be presenting my
information 3 different times so I hope you can attend one of them to hear about all the happenings in 4th grade.
We are off to a good start, but there is so much that is new from 3rd grade.